Hello, Hoodies!
This was a WILD week.
No only did we start cohort 7 of the Zero to Hoodie Cybersecurity Bootcamp complete with live lectures (which are amazing btw) but I also started a cybersecurity firm which you can check out at gabesec.com.
But you’re here for CLOUD! And boy do we have em today.
We’re wrapping up the final part of this series on cloud with the final post on the google cloud platform.
Not a *huge* player in the cloud space but big enough that you want to know a thing or two about it.
But before we do, you KNOW we gotta give a little plug.
The Zero to Hoodie Cybersecurity Bootcamp Lite is ON FIRE
If you haven’t seen it, check out this review from Mel at the three week mark. Her transparency is unmatched.
You can get your seats here:
Now on with the show!
Take it away, Hoodie X!