Hello, Hoodies!
As you can imagine, the cloud is becoming a bigger and bigger part of the world we live in.
Companies see the cost savings of being able to RENT computer usage instead of OWNING and maintaining servers.
Being able to scale up or scale down infrastructure at the push of a button (or even with automation)
This also allows for startups of all kinds to get in CHEAP.
And for students to make their own self hosted portfolios *cough cough*
So as ongoing learners, I want you go be armed with the knowledge of the big 3:
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
So today, we wrap up Azure, as we’ve already done part one here as well as parts one and two of AWS here and here, with GCP on deck.
Before we get dive in…
Registration for Cohort 7 of the Zero to Hoodie Cybersecurity Bootcamp will not be open until October.
If you want to get in on a bootcamp NOW, then check out Bootcamp Lite!
12 months of access
Self paced
Exclusive discord access
Live weekly Q&As
All for a fraction of the price! And registration is open YEAR ROUND!
This course is curated for the self learner and working professional. And my students LOVE IT
Now, let’s dive in :)