I passed the most recent version of the AZ900 about 30 minutes ago.
Not because I needed to. I didn’t need another entry level certification.
But I wanted to know how to best help YOU!
So that’s what I’m gonna talk about:
What worked
What didn’t
How you should do it
Here’s the video version of this post:
For starters… This exam was WAY HARDER than previous versions (I assume). Students USED to say it was a total cakewalk. This time it was at least a little challenging. After a weekend of study around being a dad and many cigars later, I passed with an 810/1000. 700 is passing.
The test questions were structured like this:
~10 questions with 2-4 y/n questions each (yes 2-4 questions per question)
A few PBQs (drag and drop, click the service, etc)
A few dropdown (which is effectively multiple choice)
A few select 2
And multiple choice
Nothing magic.
What was so frustruating was that the MS provided resources were TRASH.
Not because they were wrong.
But because they were WOEFULLY INADEQUATE.
You can get these here:
I got a 90 on that practice test. Way too easy. SO MUCH material that was NOT present in that. OF COURSE the answers are buried SOMEWHERE in all of their documentation, but that amounts to a 2000 page book.
Then I found this youtube video which was great. Watched it on 2x speed.
But it still didn’t have enough detail for the exam.
Then I found these study questions that were GOOD but ANNOYING because A LOT of questions had multiple good answers.
Which can be a good thing since it FORCES you to LOOK STUFF UP.
And that’s where the real learning happens.
Finally, I found these study notes last minute that DEFINITELY helped.
And there’s a part two linked at the bottom of those notes.
All in all, here’s my takeaway:
For someone WITH experience OR certifications:
It can be done in a weekend of good study. 10-20 hours.
WITHOUT experience or certifications:
Give it a week. Those SaaS vs PaaS vs IaaS concepts will be a bit to wrap your head around.
HAMMER IN on the little details of the SERVICES
Azure Policy
Azure Monitor
Management Groups
Resource Groups
Price Calculator
Understand VMs vs Containers vs Functions
Memorize details of file storage
And you should be good to go.
Remember there’s no such thing as 100% guarantee going into a test.
And it’s only $99. This is not a $1000 voucher down the drain if you fail.
Study well. Go hard in the paint. And sit for the test. Then move on to the next.
That’s all for this one.
Have a great week everyone!
Evan Lutz (BowTiedCyber)