Hello, Hoodies!
Privilege Escalation is an essential part of every pentest.
Getting a shell and getting root on a box is the difference between getting a date with a banging hottie and taking her home.
Dates are fun, but that’s not what we’re here for. We want the whole package.
In the next 2 articles, you’ll learn about privilege escalation. While you may not learn how to get a girl home, you’ll learn how to go from a low privilege user to root. And once you have root, you can do whatever you want on that box.
A quick note:
We finally passed $1M in total comp won by our students! If you want to be the next one to add to this total, become to a PAID HOODIE in the STACK. Upgrade now to get FREE DISCORD ACCESS ($500 value). Deal ends Monday. Get access here:
Let’s dive into this killer article by HoodieX: